Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Zig zagging through the spring

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Since we bought our house 6 months ago, I have spent entirely too much time and money at home improvement and home decor shops. It's been so bad that people at our nearby Lowes basically know us by name now. But furnishing and decorating our home hasn't been all work and no play. It's been loads of fun and has resulted in some pleasant surprises.

While trekking around the maze that is Ikea, we were surprised to find these luxurious robes. Since when did Ikea start selling robes?! They are MAGICAL, I tell you! We started off with 2 and now have 4 because I am addicted to them. They are so soft and absorbent and only $20!

While searching for patio furniture, I realized that I wanted ALL THE THINGS inside of World Market. Did you know that they also sell jewelry and clothes?! I wanted their jewelry, their furniture, their knick-knacks, everything. I wanted it ALL, and it's probably best that I refrained from buying out the store or else I would have turned our house into this (which I already sort of have...don't judge me).

The greatest surprise so far has resulted from a trip to Steinmart. Those old ladies have kept that store a secret!  They sell everything, including this adorable dress!

Yes, you read that right. I found this beauty for less than $50 at a Steinmart. I am convinced that it is THE EXACT SAME dress that Eloquii is currently selling for $149 (Eloquii's Chevron Pleated Dress). It's made of the same material, same texture, same color, same cut, and carried in the same sizes.

I paired it with my favorite cabochon necklace, which can be found here on etsy. 

I love it so much, I want to wear it every day.

And twirl in it some more.

And jump for joy. 
Yey, Steinmart!